Friday 16 April 2010

Tomorrow's the day!

It's finally here. The first official game of the season is tomorrow afternoon against Edgworth. The 1st XI will play at home while the 2nd XI will visit Edgworth.
The game should be an eventful start to the season as the 1st XI's away match a Edgworth last August saw the hosts defeated on the very last ball of the game in an exciting final over bowled by captain Dominic Gavin. It was looking bad for Darcy Lever throughout the second innings of the game and defeat looked certain even in the final over until a tremendous spell from Gavin saw Edgworth's Liam Watkinson run out on the final ball, leaving Darcy victorious by a single run.

This season will once again see Darcy Lever fighting to reach the all important top spot after narrowly losing out to Walshaw Cricket Club last season, finishing second in the league.

The 2nd XI will also be looking to up their game after last year winning the Isherwood Cup in a heated home final against Edgworth and also finished second in the league.

The Juniors saw a few trophies last season including one for the Under 17's (18's) who finished top of the league for the first time ever. The under 13's saw a double whammy, winning the league and the cup.

A friendly match against Farnworth Cricket Club last Saturday saw Darcy Lever defeated by a mere nine runs after a rather interesting match and a great batting spell which resulted in a century for Nick Fawcett.

Last Sunday saw everybody gather at the club to welcome this season's three overseas players. The boys landed in England from Perth, Australia on Sunday evening and came straight to the club to be welcomed with open arms.
Cameron Murray played amateur cricket at Darcy last season alongside Jimmy Deering who returns this year as the club professional. The pair brought with them a new face, Dayne Ferry, to join the ranks at that little club on Hacken Lane.

We are also joined by Michael Spence who has come to us from Golborne Cricket Club and by Adam Rowan who has made the switch from League to Association and joined us from Tonge Cricket Club.

We look forward to seeing what the new faces bring to the club.

It looks like it's going to be a great season and what better way to begin than with a spell of gorgeous weather... let's hope it holds out!!

Log on next week to see photos and check how we got on with the weekend's games!!!


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