Thursday 12 July 2012

New Committee

Thanks to those who attended last night's AGM. 

The new committee is as follows:

Chairman: Mick Gavin

Vice Chairman: Barry Waring

Treasurer: Darren Brown

Secretary: Karen Waring

Official committee: Sarah Brown, Gary Burns, Danielle Gavin, Robin Greenhalgh, Louise Hopkinson.

Friday 6 July 2012


This is a message following on from the announcement of the club's Annual General Meeting. The meeting will take place at 8PM on Wednesday 11th July 2012.

Further details can be found on the club notice board.

Thank You.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

IMPORTANT RE: Annual General Meeting 2012

This is a message to club members that the 2012 Annual General Meeting will take place on the evening of Wednesday 11th July 2012*. The meeting will be held at the club and only those who have paid their 2011 membership may attend.

The club will remain closed (except for those eligible to attend) for the remainder of the AGM.

A list of paid members for the year 2011 is posted on the club notice board. 

If anybody is wishing to put themselves forward for a position on the committee, please check the details and 'sign up sheets' on the club notice board.

Anyone wishing to know further details, please do not hesitate to contact the club:

Telephone: 01204 523509

Or leave a comment below

Many thanks.

*Meeting time TBC